Hampton Hall Green Roof

The Hampton Hall Green Roof was created to serve as additional green space for students and teaching space faculty. It consists of patio study areas surrounded by plant covered expanses. Hydraulics and weather research is also conducted on the roof, incorporating a rainwater collection system. 

It is accessible via the second floor study lounge. The Green Roof was constructed during the summer of 2012, and opened to the public during the Fall 2012 semester. Further renovations are planned for the Spring 2022 semester.

Engineering Hallway Graphic

Completed in the summer of 2020, the Lyles School of Civil Engineering wall graphic is showcased directly outside the main office in Hampton Hall. The graphic serves as a large informational brochure to help recruit new students to the college of civil engineering.

The graphic also displays Lyles Sudent spotlights of various individuals and their projects, and updates periodically to highlight more students. CESAC funded a majority of the project.

Interactive Alumni Gateway

In an effort to honor our Purdue Civil Engineering Alumni and better display over 100 years of graduating class photos, CESAC funded the creation of the Interactive Alumni Gateway in the summer of 2008. The class photos themselves date back to 1888.

​This addition to Hampton Hall, located just outside of Wood Commons, provides new and returning visitors with information the people in the college of civil engineering, as well as a unique way to reminisce in our history.

CESAC Scholarship

Since the Fall 2020 semester, CESAC has put a scholarship in place for undergraduates in Civil Engineering.

To apply for this scholarship, civil engineering undergraduates must fill out the Lyles School of Civil Engineering Undergraduate Scholarship Application. Once submitted, the scholarship will be decided by the committee that divvies out all the civil engineering scholarships.

Bottle Filling Station and Water Fountain

To further improve student and faculty experience in Hampton Hall, and to encourage students and faculty to maintain environmental friendliness, CESAC has donated a filtered Elkay bottle filling station and drinking fountain.